Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finn’s day at the zoo

So a few things about Finn and how he spends his time at the zoo. He likes to wander. Its hard for us to go with other people because containing him is just not FUN for anyone. and the things he likes to wander to????

Well there are those souvenir coin machines, he will sit and turn that wheel probably for hours if we’d let him.


And people cleaning the exhibits….(this goes for the scuba people cleaning the tanks at the aquarium too!)


He also loves those golf carts (tractors) that drive around the zoo, and inevitably there is always one just across from the flamingos right when you enter the park that he always runs right too, unfortunately I didn’t get my camera out fast enough on our last trip.

but he also loves the train!


and snack time in the gorilla house (at least he stops to look at one animal!)


1 comment:

Dagmar said...

What a great pic of Finn & Libby!!