6 months old! Time is seriously flying by, I can't even believe it! We celebrated the day by sleeping in, going to the pediatrician and getting 3 shots (booo!), eating a very poorly made 1/2 birthday cake (it's the effort that counts), and sitting in the dump truck! He's rolling from his back to his belly (and sometimes wakes us all up in the middle of the night while he's stuck on his belly), he has rolled over from his belly to his back but not consistently. He's SO close to sitting up completely on his own, but just not quite, he sings and coo's and squeals all day long, such a happy baby! Oh, and we went back to the neurologist for a repeat CT scan on his head from the fall, and all the blood is completely gone and you can barely even see the fracture anymore. Doctor said he was free and clear for contact sports! Yay! We love our chubby baby, can't believe how fast the time is flying by and just can't wait for more FUN! Here's his stats at 6 months:
Weight: 17 pounds 9 ounces, 75th%
Height: 28 1/4 inches, 100th%
Head: 17 inches, 50%
awesome pictures! Riley is such a cutie-patootie!
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