Friday, May 17, 2013

Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony!

Oh Goodness!  How exciting!  Finn has been preparing and practicing for his Moving Up Ceremony for a while and was SO excited to show us what he’s been working on!  He was also very excited for his new outfit!  The boys had to wear a white shirt, black pants and black shoes and the girls were in white dresses!  They all looked fantastic!


The ceremony was so precious!  The kids sang a few songs to us, two in Spanish!  There are 6 kindergarten classes, but only 3 performed at a time.

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Afterwards there was cake and snacks back in the classroom!  I took a couple of pictures of Finn and his friends but he really wanted the camera to walk around and take pictures himself.  All of them are extreme close-ups and are hysterical and adorable!

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Finn with his AMAZING teacher Mrs. Hines!!!


First Grade, Here We Come!!!

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