Sunday, March 10, 2013


Finn started T-Ball!!  He has wanted to play for so long and was SO excited to finally get started!  His team is the Washington Nationals (how FUN is that?!?!) and his first game was against the Cubs!  His team won and he was very excited to keep telling me about how his team beat MY team, lol!

Here he is on-deck and then going up to bat and batting!

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The coach rotates the players around to all of the positions through out the game.  Finn did really awesome when he played in the pitcher position!  (Obviously not pitching, but in the position)  He got all 3 outs for the inning!

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Video of Finn as pitcher!

And in the end he got the game ball for getting 4 outs (3 as pitcher and 1 in the outfield)!  His first game ever!  And his buddy Alec got the other game ball!!


Go Nationals!


And Kellen FINALLY got to go out on the field, not for a lack of trying the entire game!

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