Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Holy Cake and Ice Cream, Riley is Turning 4!!!

We celebrated Riley’s 4th birthday with a Batman Party!

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Goody Bags!


And I will gladly pat myself on the back for these badass capes I made for all the kids!  :)  I will also thank Aunt Tay Tay for helping me with the goody bags and the capes!

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Earlier that day, Riley went to his friend Aerin’s birthday party (Miss Aerin was born less than 24 hours before Riley in the same hospital!) and she had a princess come and do face painting, so Riley got his face painted like Batman!!

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Riley in his full Batman Gear!  We got him his own personalized Batman shirt with his name and age on it.  I was never able to get a good picture of him in it though.

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A bit in to the party, the kids went on a hike through the cemetery and woods behind our house….


Reservoir Bats

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Cupcake Time!!!


Davis took creative genius into his own hands and added M&M’s to his cupcake!


my boys!  don’t let the cuteness fool you, they were fighting over the M&M’s in that jar!


Little guy, big cucpake!


Aerin and Riley at the end of a very long celebratory day!!!


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