Friday, November 23, 2012

3rd Annual Lakes Family Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

You may remember our previous scavenger hunts!  This year we did the entire thing within the confines of the Brown County State Park in Nashville, IN.

We kept the same teams as last year:

Team 1: Heather, John, Finn, Joseph and Grandma
Team 2: Holli, Riley, Steph, Todd, Papa and Kellen

We could do the items on the list in any order, we had to take a picture at each task and we had to have at least one of us in each photo and we had to have at least one group photo. We decided to meet at the Lodge at 5:30 and which team had the most items complete won!  2010 Winner = Team 1, 2011 Winner = Team 2 and this year the winner was Team 2.

1. 2 People Hanging Upside Down From A Tree

SH - 1b SH - 1a

2. Non-Flushing Toilet

SH - 2b SH - 2a

3. Real Horse – This one only Team 2 scored!

SH - 3a

4. Leaf with 2 colors

SH - 4b2 SH - 4a

5. Historical Plague

SH - 5b SH - 5a2

6. Park Ranger – Team 2 has a PICTURE of a Park Ranger, not an actual Park Ranger, doesn’t count people, doesn’t count!

SH - 6a

7. Long Range View with Everyone In It

SH - 7b SH - 7a

8. Worm

SH - 8b SH - 8a

9. Trail Intersection Sign

SH - 9b SH - 9a

10. Slide

SH - 10bSH - 10b2 SH - 10a 

11. Gangnam Style

Due to some electronic malfunction, we don’t have Team 2’s video, but they did complete the task.  And their video was HILARIOUS!!!  Team 1 took both picture and video!  :)

 SH - 11b

And Video at a second location with Team 1’s version of a Park Ranger!

12. Picture with Wild Animal, Bird or Reptile

This is debatable as well…..while it did not say LIVE, that was Team 1’s understanding.  So we’ve got a picture with tadpoles and Team 2 has a picture of some dead animals stuffed and hung on a wall.

 SH - 12a SH - 12b1 SH - 12b2

13. Pine Cone

SH - 13b SH - 13a

14. Standing in the top of a lookout tower.

SH - 14b SH - 14a2

Group photo back at the lodge!

SH - C

Team 1, aka Second Place

SH - B2

Team 2, The Winners

SH - A

And 2 random outtakes that I thought were too cute not to share!

SH - R1 SH - R2

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