Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July 2012

The Pied Piper Parade was back on this year!  Though right as the parade was to start the clouds got dark and ominous and the wind picked up and there was a few small rain drops but then it all stopped as quickly as it came and we had a nice breezy cloud covered parade!  The bigs both rode their bikes and we pushed Kellen in his little car!  The boys had so much FUN decorating their bikes this year!

All ready to go!


Uncle Sam


And away they go!

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Big Pimpin’

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And we actually saw Siena and Zoe along the way!




And a blueberry lemonade popsicle for the sweaty baby!


Big surprise, we let the big boys stay up for the fireworks!  Riley didn’t make it and I had to take him home, but Finn stayed up all night!  The square got more and more packed as the night got darker!

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So anxious!


Me and my Finn!  He LOVED the fireworks and sat here in my lap for almost the entire thing.

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But towards the end he popped up and I got this adorable picture of him with his balloon and the fireworks!



Happy 4th of July!!!!!

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