Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How does your garden grow?

We planted a garden with the boys this past weekend.  Todd and Finn went to the store to pick up all of the supplies.  They got three different types of tomato plants, a basil plant and some watermelon seeds.  When they got home our neighbor gave us a couple of his tomato plants as well. 

First we had to go get some compost/mulch….Finn is such a good helper!


And on the way back home we just had to stop for a CFA milkshake and we gave the boys their first taste…, slight understatement, it was a big hit!

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Dude, don’t bogart the shake!


Riley, ready to work!

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And Finn, very proud!


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I love how Finn is mindlessly working in the background!

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You, over there, move that thing, not that other thing!


Yeah, I told em what to do!

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Riley needs a break!


By now Finn was throwing rocks, so daddy finished up!  Can’t wait to watch our garden grow!


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