Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We’ve had the most gorgeous weather this past week including Easter weekend!  Saturday we went to a neighborhood easter egg hunt and picnic which included face painting, egg hunting (obviously) and a picnic and Todd even brought out our kite for some long awaited kite flying (I think Finn has asked to fly this kite every single day since Todd bought it last summer, no idea why we didn’t actually do it until now, and of course there are no pictures of said inaugural kite flying).



Riley was in LOVE with the Easter Bunny!  He toddled from a very far distance to get to the bunny and when he got there he laid his head down on his feet and rubbed his head around them.  It was so sweet and precious and I had to run to grab my camera and got these shots.

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I eventually saved the Easter Bunny and pried Riley out of his arms.

I got two cute videos of the egg hunt.  The first video is the start of it where all the kids took off running and screaming and trying to pick up as many eggs as fast as they can.  And then another video of Riley picking up an egg!  eep!


And then, the Easter Bunny came to our house and left all kinds of cool stuff for the boys!  Bubbles and a bubble gun (how nice of the bunny to know that mommy was tired from blowing bubbles for an hour), books, cars (Mater, Doc Hudson and Sheriff and a talking Chick Hicks for Riley), big boy underwear for Finn!!!, these awesome toothbrush holders and new toothbrushes and of course eggs filled with m-o-n-e-y!  Grandma and PaPa had also sent some gifts (books, bingo game, teether book, gardening gloves, and bunny wash cloths!)!

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Seriously, how awesome are these toothbrush holders?  I’m in love!



Karen said...

Riley and the Easter Bunny--tooooooo cute! Seriously, that is just the sweetest. Great photos--looks like you have had a wonderful Easter weekend!

andrea said...

I second Karen, Riley and the Easter Bunny is so cute!