Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Happy Birthday Finn!

The birthday present was simple this year....a tricycle (or known to Finn as bicycle, he calls all bikes and trikes bicycles)....and a helmet! As obsessed with bicycles as Finn is, he is equally obsessed with the helmet. Hey, we're all about safety, so we weren't going to say no! I also got him a Cars book with one of those etcha-sketch pads on it, thought this would be good for the long car ride down to the beach, but it was his first present he received for the day. For his party we had friends over and a mini splash pool with slide, BBQ and cupcakes! Finn had his own special BIG cupcake and I brought it down to him while he was playing with everyone in the back yard, and as soon as he saw me coming down the stairs with it, with candle lit in it, he came running over already blowing! He blew it out before we finished singing so we re-lit it and he blew it out again and screamed "Happy Birfday Finn"!! Hahahahahaha! We actually got so caught up in the party that we forgot to bring the tricycle out until after almost everyone was gone when Aunt Britt asked "did you give him the tricycle yet?" and OMG!! NO! Seriously, HOW did we forget??? It was probably a blessing though, because had we rolled it out with all the kiddos there, there probably would have been a fight, LOL! First he got the helmet and he might have peed his pants and once he got the helmet he started screaming "Finn Bicycle, Finn Bicycle"!!!! (these pictures are slightly out of order, sorry!)

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