Monday, July 28, 2008


So a couple of weeks ago when I picked Finn up from daycare, they told me he'd taken some steps here and there. We'd seen him maybe take one or two steps on his own but very little progress. Last Thursday when I picked him up from daycare she announced "He took 8 Steps Today!!!" and then Friday morning they called me to tell me he had walked across the room! So while I was incredibly proud and excited and happy, I was also soooo sad because I had yet to see it. When we started daycare I knew things like this would happen, big milestones, while I was away at work. I vowed to just let myself think "the first time I see it is the first time it happens" and until now I had. But walking? That is just a whole other thing! It's so much bigger than rolling or sitting up or crawling....or at least it feels that way.

Well Saturday morning, we went to our buddy Liam's 1st Birthday Party (Happy Birthday Liam!!!) and lo and behold, he toddled around quite a bit! He's sooo proud of himself and so excited and a tiny bit scared, it is just so cute! So it will probably be a while before we can actually catch this on video, but you know we'll post it as soon as we do!

So we have a walker! I suppose its time to buy him some shoes! Woot woot!

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