Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Moving On Up....

Now that Mr. Finn is starting to walk, he is going to be transitioning to the next room at daycare....next week! He'll be only taking one nap a day, eating all their tablefoods and sleeping on a cot! oh my! I'm totally nervous! I'm not mentally prepared to have such a big boy! When she told me my first thought was NO!!! I have no idea why, its not a bad thing but that just seems so scary! She did say that they would transition him slowly over the next couple of weeks so he won't just automatically start over there...but wow! I will say that I am excited that I won't have to pack his food for him anymore! His day will also have structure to it with activities and arts and crafts and outdoor play time. I suppose I should probably buy him some shoes now too! Wish us luck!

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