Monday, March 19, 2012

Shamrock ‘N Roll ‘N Mimosas

Two years ago I ran the Shamrock ‘N Roll 5K race and loved it!  It popped up in my radar again this year and I signed up, in the hopes that I could burn off the rest of this “baby weight”.  Unfortunately I’ve had some back troubles that have prevented too much exercise, but I was able to run the race AND got a bunch of my favorite ladies to run it with me!  Some relaxing time on the beach gave me the idea for t-shirts for the group that said “Momma’s Rock”!  I finished 1 minute slower then my time 2 years ago, but considering I’ve had one more kid and back issues, I am happy with the results!  :)

Before I left in the morning Todd said “Let me get a before picture before you get all sweaty and red faced!”  Look at Baby K down there!


Go Momma Go!


And Go I Did!  Just about to cross the finish line!


Yay, my boys!!!

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The gang!

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Some pictures from the race, yeah, they are basically the same photo, no idea why there are three, ha!

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And afterwards we got some brunch and celebrated with mimosas!

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And then I took a nap with Finn on the couch!


1 comment:

donna said...

It was such a fun race. Had a great time with y'all. Mommas rock!