Monday, March 19, 2012

Riley’s Latest Injury List: Lacerated Uvula

You know that old warning that you shouldn’t run with things in your hands or your mouth?  Riley proved it is not just an old wives tale… lacerating his uvula last week.  You know, that thing that hangs down in the back of your throat?

To be honest, I was right there with him and I thought I saw what happened, but in actuality, I don’t think I did.  I know he had a tongue compressor (from a school art project of Finn’s) and a small plastic basketball in each hand….or I thought they were in his hands. 

FACTS:  We were watching basketball and playing with our mini-basketball and he had those items and he fell.  And he was VERY UPSET and VERY HURT. 

But I couldn’t tell exactly what hurt.  There was a little bit of blood in his mouth, like by a tooth so I thought maybe he broke a tooth?  And then a little blood came out of his nose, and there was some gagging and coughing and he was just in so much pain I could NOT get him to calm down or explain what hurt or talk to me at all.

Of course this happened on the ONE day a year that Todd takes off work to do something FUN (March Madness Tip-Off).  So I let it go for a while, trying to calm him down.  Finally I had to call Todd to come home and I took Riley to the Pediatric Urgent Care, where the doctor flashed his light inside and we all saw the cut in the back of his throat.  He MUST have had the stick in his mouth while he was running.

So the poor little guy has to take an AWFUL tasting medicine which thankfully instantly numbs the area and he was on a soft diet for a few days.  Lots of doctor ordered popsicles!

Pantless Popsicles…Priceless


1 comment:

Lee Anne said...

Poor Riley. That last picture (and caption) is awesome, though.