Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Shout Out to My Hubby

So I know I brag to all of my friends about how awesome I think Todd is, both as a father and a husband, and I know that those of you who know him are not at all surprised, but I feel compelled to publicly brag about him here.

When Todd and I went on our first date, he talked to me that day about how he didn’t want or intend to be an absent dad, about how he wanted to be home and there for all activities and even to be home for dinner. That he didn’t want to be always working and that he wanted to be a hands-on dad. I can tell you now that he has more than lived up to his words.

It started simple with foot and back rubs from the very day that we got our first positive pregnancy test with Finn and progressed to full-time diaper duty for the first week of Finn’s life (seriously, I didn’t change one single diaper that first week) and he took over duty during the “witching hours” every day when he got home from a long day at work during the early months. Teaching Finn how to roll, kick and throw a ball, learning to climb up and around the playground, carrying him in the baby bjorn and then eventually in the giant backpack on their many father-son hikes.

And ever since I got pregnant again, I have been sick as a dog and Todd has almost taken on the role as a single parent, taking Finn on day long activities and excursions so mommy could rest (or puke). It’s been mentally difficult for me to let them go and have FUN without me (most of you know, I HATE missing out on FUN) and it’s been hard for me to also realize and admit that I NEED Todd. But I need him and he has more than been there for me/us.

Todd is the most amazing father and as Finn has grown so has their bond and it has been amazing to watch the care and joy that Todd has for Finn. It is enough to make even a non-pregnant me melt.

If money were no object, I would give Todd a thousand babies. I am so amazed and blessed to have him in my life and I just want him to know how much I truly love and appreciate him. I know that if Finn could type, he would completely agree. I’m so excited now to see how the dynamics will shift with our new arrival and our expanding family!


Stefanie said...

That is so wonderful to read! You got a real keeper there! :-)

Julia said...

It's always nice to read things like this. :)

Way to go, Todd! You could teach many husbands out there a thing or two!

Michelle said...

Aww that was so wonderful to read!

When is Todd starting classes for husbands?

Josie said...

Aww, that is so sweet! What a great husband and daddy!