Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Third Child

Riley has to go to the bathroom during or immediately after stuffing his food in his mouth at lunch time, every.single.day.  (You’re welcome for that info.)  He also still needs help putting his clothes back on.  So I walk down the hallway, help with the underwear, walk back to the kitchen and what do I find?  The Third Child sitting on TOP of his high chair tray.  The Tray.  Sitting all “I Dream of Jeannie” style with a big grin on his face.  Back straight, proper posture, happy as a clam. 

We used the 5 point harness in that seat when Finn was just starting to eat solids and we were newbie parents and were oh so concerned with his safety….for about one month before we realized he can’t get out of that damn chair.  And, well, we’ve never used them again.  Didn’t use them the rest of the time Finn used the chair…..didn’t use them the entire time Riley used the chair….haven’t used them until I found my Jeannie on his tray.

Today he learned to climb all the way up onto our bed.  Our bed is 26” off the ground.  I just measured.  I also sat here with my mouth on the floor watching him climb up and down and up and down over and over again.

He can also climb up on Finn’s bed (where he likes to jump jump jump and say jump jump jump, and fall off), the couch, the kitchen table chairs….and do you know where those kitchen table chairs lead?  TO THE KITCHEN TABLE.  I found him on the kitchen table.

There are no pictures of those incidents because they seriously give me heart failure.  The image of my little Jeannie sitting on his tray is burned forever in my brain. 

He also likes to climb into this grocery basket.  This is from the first time I found him in it because I thought it was so cute.  That was before he fell out of it.  I can’t tell you how many times he has fallen out of this thing. But he keeps climbing back into it.


Y’all….I seriously cannot even turn my back to get milk out of the fridge for him.  He is Houdini….and a ninja….all in one little package.  He is giving me ulcers and turning my hair gray.

But look at how cute he is.  He likes to take this microphone and put it up to his ear.  Until the song ends and then hands it back to me to push the button again and right back to his ear it goes as he sways his little body.


I love this little man and I just keep thanking God that he hasn’t been harmed in his little adventures.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Assuming Finn and Riley didn't do this to you, but until now, I assumed this was a boy thing. Liam climbs on every thing. He's a ninja and can get on anything.

I really wish you'd taken a picture of the high chair tray thing.