Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finn’s 1st Day of Kindergarten!!!

Our big boy Finn started Kindergarten this week!!!!


Look at that HUGE smile!  He was SO excited to start Kindergarten! 

The drop-off and pick-up procedures are completely different this year than they were for Pre-K.  Now if you arrive at school before 7:45 you should go to the cafeteria and wait to walk to the room with your class.  Finn also can eat breakfast in the cafeteria which he wanted to do everyday, so we had to be sure to be there early enough for him to do that.  Juice and a chicken biscuit?  He’s in heaven!


For this first week, I went into the cafeteria with him and waited until he was done with breakfast.  On the first day I walked him to his class.  On the second day he asked if he could walk by himself!  But on the third day he wanted me to walk with him….or really, follow behind him.  And so it begins…

His favorite things from kindergarten:

* computer class

* lunch in the cafeteria (did I mention there is chocolate milk?)

* the smart board

* I’ve agreed to pack him a lunch once a week

* PE – they got to have backward races on those little carts

Least Favorite things:

* super short recess time and no playground time in the morning or at the end of the day  :(

It really was a great first week!  He was so excited to go and to be there and was really happy when I picked him up.  His enthusiasm was truly infectious!  It is going to be a great year and we are all really excited for the awesome things he is going to learn in Kindergarten!!!

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