Monday, March 19, 2012

What to do with a baby?

Up until recently, when I wanted to do activities/crafts/games/etc with the bigs, Kellen would either just play in his exersaucer or he would roam around the kitchen playing with the play kitchen, the tupperware cabinet, etc…..but lately he wants to see what is going on at the big table and I realized he can’t do anything.  I can’t give him paint because he will eat it.  He can’t do the crafts yet (because he will eat them) and he can’t play games.  So what to do with him?  I went to two websites:  Pinterest and No Time For Flashcards and came up with these ideas…..

Finally a use for all of my scrap fabric!  I sewed them together, end to end, and stuffed them inside an empty wipes container!  Endless pulling FUN!


and while he can’t paint with paint….he can paint with food!

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And a sensory bin:  blocks in a foil tin!  This really was only FUN for about five minutes and then he was DONE with it.  Finn was really excited about this activity for Kellen, it was really cute, he helped load it up with blocks and lift it up to his tray and even helped pick up the dropped blocks (for a little bit anyway).  Super cute Big Brother moment!


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