Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finn’s School Halloween Party

When we went in for Finn’s open house at his school, I forgot my camera and didn’t get to take any pictures, so here’s three: his classroom


The job list! 


And everyone has their own spot on the rug!


At that same Open House, they had events that parents could sign up to help with!  I of course jumped up as fast as I could to sign up for the Halloween party!  Woohoo!  So excited!  Me and two other moms signed up and I was in charge of craft and decorations, because you all know the kitchen is not my strong suit.  And can you believe, I was the ONLY grown up at school today in costume!  I pulled out my old super mom costume to go with Finn’s Iron Man costume!  (not revealing the real family costume until our party on Saturday, mwuahahahahaha!)

Here is the lunch bag pumpkin craft that was super easy and cute!  I wasn’t able to get a picture of the kids putting them together as I was helping, but they were cute and it was easy and everyone was very excited about it!


Finn’s teacher has been reading a book with the kids all month about monsters and each monster has its own mask.  So the kids made their own mask, based on the colors and themes from the book and they showed them off in class today as they came in for the party.  Here’s Finn walking in with his pink mask because baseball makes him happy.  Ha!

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The table all set up with snack and decoartions.


Snack time!  How cute are those snacks?!?!

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Super heroes at play!  Also check out the badass monsters drawn on the chalkboard!



1 comment:

donna said...

Fun...Oooh I was so hoping to see pics of you in your costume. Will we have to wait for Halloween day?