Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Carving, Lighting and Dancing

Friday night we made a pizza and finally carved our pumpkins!  Finn wanted to be VERY hands on this year.  So we told him before you carve you have to draw on the face.   He took his marker and just drew ALL over the pumpkin!  Ha!  And then there are no photos during carving because having a 20 month old and a 3 yr old and knives and messy pumpkins and such is enough to handle without bringing a camera into the mix.


But once we were done carving, we hopped into the bath and our jammies and then took to the front porch to light the pumpkins…..and measure?


Riley going for a peak inside.

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And then the dancing began! (video at the bottom)

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Happy Halloween!!!!


And the very dark video of dancing!

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