Friday, June 28, 2013

The Mud Club

The plans for Thursday night started so innocently….Todd was going to be out of town and a bunch of the other dads were going to be golfing and so one mom friend sent out a note asking who wanted to get together for dinner.  I suggested that we come to our house to play instead of taking over (and destroying) a restaurant with our 9 children.  NINE children.  Four moms.

So the moms got Chinese take out and the kids ate kid food.  We fed the kids first and sent them back out to play while we sat down to enjoy our meal.  And then this happened.

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But look at their faces!!!  They are so freaking happy and had so much freaking FUN I can barely stand it!  This night proved to me that I was born to be a mom boy….or maybe I’m just used to it now, lol!  But the boys dubbed it “Mud Club” and they are very proud of their Mud House!


I asked the girls if I could take a picture of “the clean girls” and McKenna said “But I have a little bit of dirt on me!”…..seriously it was like one little droplet!  hilarious!


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