Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kellen Playdates!

I am really trying to make sure that Kellen has some friends his age!  And we had TWO playdates this month with his little friend Hayes!  First up we went to the zoo!

We fed some birds!


We watched the Lion sleep despite our best ROARS!


We climbed on gorillas and hung from bars!

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We even shared our car and took turns giving each other rides! (mostly)


My roo!


We rode the train!

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And the carousel!



And then we met up again with Hayes and our friend Reese at Imagine It where we went fishing!

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After fishing, Kellen spent most of his time running back and forth and back and forth over and over and over the bridge!

And then we tried to get a picture of all of the kids….one of us has a disproportionate amount of children in this group….

Here it is like they are all purposely looking away (though to be honest I think that Finn and Riley really are purposely looking away!)!


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And then Finn took one of the momma’s!


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