Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The delivery man cometh

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned, but the super duper cute teeny sized backpack we bought for Finn in Belize was too small to carry his normal person sized folder that needs to go to school with him every day he goes.  Which meant we needed to get a new backpack.  In the mean time we were stuffing the folder into the little backpack and making it look like this:



In a failed attempt to find small person backpacks in-store, we purchased one on-line from recommendations from my mommy friends.  I mentioned to Finn (a week ago when I ordered it) that we bought him a new backpack and that the mailman would be bringing it.  Not a word has been mentioned about it since then.

Today we are getting ready to leave the house to go to the playground and Finn goes over by the door to get his shoes, when I hear a delivery truck stop in front of our house.  Finn stops in his tracks (which is crouched down on the floor in front of the door picking up his shoes) and says “hold on a minute mom, my new backpack is here!!!!!”  he starts jumping up and down with joy!  So I run over and open up the door and he runs out to greet the UPS man in the yard to get his backpack, rips open the bag and immediately puts on the backpack shouting “I love it momma, I love it!”.

“And, the little backpack is for grandma (bear) to wear to school, because she is little.” 


how could you not love this boy?

(please note grandma bear does not go to school with him, but she is in the car waiting for him when I pick him up from school!)

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