Thursday, August 5, 2010

Riley at 18 months!

I can’t even believe he is 18 months old!  You’ve got to be kidding me!  Its funny when I look back and think, Riley was just about to be born when Finn was 18 months old!  CRAZY!  At the time I remember thinking Finn was such a big boy, but now I look at Riley and still think he is just a BABY!

And because I’m a big nerd, here’s the updated growth chart:

Age Weight % Height % Head %
Birth 8lbs 9oz   21.75”      
1 week 8lbs 1oz          
1 month 11lbs 3oz 90th 23'” 90th 15.25” 50th
2 months 12lbs 14oz 90th 25” 100th 15.75 50th
4 months 15lbs 14oz 75th 27” 100th 16.5” 50th
6 months 17lbs 9oz 75th 28.25” 100th 17” 50th
9 months 21lbs 3oz 75th 30.25” 95th 17.75” 40th
12 months 25 lbs 75th 30.75” 75th 18.25” 50th
15 months 27 lbs 9oz 90th 33.125” 95th 18.5” 50th
18 months 28 lbs 7oz 90th 33.75” 100th 18.625” 50th



Hugs and Kisses – If you ask Riley for a hug he will give you a two arm wrapped around the neck hug and squeeze.  And if you ask him for a kiss (or as I like to say “kiss kiss”) he will give you a big smoocher!

He is such a big boy now, he will walk while holding your hand.  The other day I was holding both boys hands while we were walking down the sidewalk.  I about cried, it was so sweet!

He’s getting more and more words every day!  He’s got lots and I definitely can’t capture them all, but some are:  yes, no, bye-bye with a wave, ball, daddy, doggie, Papa, cheese, please, more, snack, all done, uh-oh, two, book.  He’s also doing the signs for more, milk, all done, I’m sorry, thank you and help.

He LOVES his blankie!

He loves the playground and can climb/slide on everything by himself, he even has learned to walk UP the slide like big brother.  yay.  (sarcasm.)

He LOVES books!  He brings me books and climbs into my lap all day every day and it is just too stinking cute!

He still sucks his thumb.  Its cute, but I’m not gonna lie, two of his teeth are a little jacked up.

He’s still a fickle eater.  but he’s a good napper/sleeper.

he is all about feeding himself these days.  he makes a ridiculous mess, but he’s gotta learn right?

He also helps put his dishes in the sink when he is done!  He did this all on his own, picked it up from watching Finn do it.  I.die.

He loves to antagonize Finn when Finn is in time-out.  This isn’t supposed to be funny, but we can’t help but laugh.

He can point to his eyes, ears, nose and mouth!

He LOVES to dance.  We’ve been doing a lot of afternoon dance party since it has been so freaking hot here and I just can’t muster up the energy to go anywhere.  He has always loved to shake his booty, but dance party is a whole other level for him!

18mos 957482774_fqn2h-M 957476218_qFCub-M  957478966_pyD9c-M 957478126_FQhQ2-M

1 comment:

donna said...

He's so handsome! I love the chart idea. I'm gonna have to make one for my lil girl. Yes, I'm a dork too but hey, we rock being dorks. LOL!