Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Mommy Chronicles: Week One

I never had the chance to talk about our first full week at home together!

- Rainy day playdate with Maggie
- two new playgroups and friends for Finn and mommy
- Toddlercize at the YMCA
- Cinqo de Mayo lunch and dinner with friends including lots of chips and salsa and a chance to show off some mad toddler salsa scooping skillz
- Riley suddenly stopped sleeping through the night, sadly thiss coincided with mommy starting early morning boot camp....very tired mommy!

Lessons learned:
- making a plan for the day is key! being able to deviate from the plan is fine, but a day can get wasted and boring and make for a cranky toddler when plans aren't made

Lessons not learned:
- the camera....I'm putting it on the list again because I still kept forgetting to take it everywhere with me and I missed soooo many cute moments. I am getting better though already with it this week so lots more pictures to come!
- how to breastfeed Riley while chasing Finn around the playground.....I'd love to hear from anyone who has mastered this skill...HOW?

I'm really having so much FUN with the boys and enjoying my precious time with them! It was a tough week at times, but we're just taking it one day at a time.

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